T & E Accounting

Special Disability Trust Consultation

Home » Special Disability Trust Consultation

Thank you for the time you're investing with us.

To get you started on the right track, we would like to provide you with a Special Disability Trust Consultation.

The initial Special Disability Trust Consultation is a Free Service that allows us to get a better understanding of your situation and your personal needs.

We will share with you our knowledge and experience and provide you with a clear understanding of a Special Disability Trust and how it can be best utilised to meet the future needs of you and your family.

During the call we can cover:

  • What is a Special Disability Trust?
  • How can a Special Disability Trust be set up?
  • What are the key benefits of a Special Disability Trust?
  • What are the model trust deed requirements and limitations of a Special Disability Trust?
  • What are the reasonable care needs that can be paid from a Special Disability Trust?
  • What are the reasonable accommodation needs that can be paid from a Special Disability Trust?
  • What are the discretionary spending items that can be paid from a Special Disability Trust?
  • The Trustees role, Centrelink reporting and tax compliance
  • We will review your requirements and detail the steps involved to move forward, if you believe that a Special Disability Trust and T&E Accounting will be suitable to meet the future needs of you and your family.


In preparation for our call, can you please provide your answers to the following questions:

  1. How familiar are you with Special Disability Trusts?
    1. Just a basic awareness
    2. I have a basic understanding
    3. I am familiar with the concept and some of the details
    4. I am very familiar with Special Disability Trusts
  2. Have you confirmed the individual’s eligibility for a Special Disability Trust with Centrelink?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. What level of support do you require from T&E Accounting?
    1. Knowledge and education so you can make an informed decision
    2. Initial setup of a new Special Disability Trust
    3. Ongoing tax and Centrelink compliance for a Special Disability Trust
    4. All of the above
  4. Do you have any other specific questions that you would like to address?

*Please ensure to include your answers to the above questions as a part of your booking notes.

Thank you once again for the time you are investing with us, we look forward to talking with you soon.

Bye for now,
Shane Clarke
T&E Accounting

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